
Can you say Femo?

Today's a wednesday. Ick.
Today is what some people--meaning my best friend's mom--call a hump day. Personally, I think that name is a little wrong. Who names these things? And who names the whales? And the planets? Because, seriously? Uranus isn't very scientific sounding. It sounds more like a joke about someone's butt.
"Thanks to scientist, Ben Dover for his discovery, we can all look up at URANUS now."
Haha, very funny.
And about the whales--these are some perverted scientists. "Hey, look now! A HUMPback whale."
Don't get me wrong--I love perverted jokes. They make the world spin slightly faster. But let's face it, science isn't meant for jokes about butts and other nasty things.

Now, here's the real story:
I have this friend--let's call her A. So A is the most innocently preppy person you'll ever meet. Bubbly describes her. Well, bubbly plus hidden fangs.
A was trying to prove that she could be serious. She tried to prove that she could be emo.
And I'm talking the full blown, dark clothing, emotionless, cutting type.
Not the type where music is life, so to speak.
So today, on May 14, 2008, A walked into school and pretty much model-walked to her locker. And she was in "A Emo" style.
Hah. I think NOT.
She was wearing jeans with HEART-SHAPED POCKETS. Her nails were PINK. Her hair was clipped up with a SPARKLY HAIR CLIP.
She was still...well....the bubbly that is A.
And throughout lunch, she talked in her usual, high-pitched, I'm-in-LalaLand voice. Was she speaking about music? Nooooo. Did she have anything to say about sharp objects? ...Maybe.
Kidding, kidding.
A talked about normal stuff: school, guys, why Little J should get his own lunch.
Let's all give a 'round of applause to A. She tried her best, and life is about trying, right?
A proved that even if we try to avoid it, some people can't be of two different...well...cliques. Well, people like A can't, at least.

Time to turn in; Friday is my turn to be emo. I'll be wearing my PATD shirt, skinny jeans, and dark converse. Wish me luck.
Actually, don't.

Peace to my homiegees.
xoxo Speed.

Thanks to Distance for editing :]